Mon, Ephant (8)
Navigation (4)
Basic info
First appearance: Return of the Jedi
Species: Chevin
Relations: Jabba's Organization (Tatooine)
Events: Mission to Cerea, Unrest on Cerea, Saving Sylvn
Ephant Mon was a Chevin male from the planet Vinsoth. Despite his awkward appearance, Mon was a skilled and powerful combatant, and during his youth, he was considered handsome by Chevin standards. He started off as a mercenary in his youth before becoming a gunrunner, supplying arms to all sorts of military factions, from planetary militia groups to the more organized Rebel Alliance. His goods were usually stolen Imperial weapons which, though outdated, were still serviceable. Mon also worked as a slaver at some point in his lengthy life.
An old acquaintance of Jabba, Mon served as the Hutt's liaison and took care of his estate while Jabba was away on business. The Hutt's trust in Mon was founded in their life-long friendship, which saw the two friends pursue many collective paths, both having once worked together as high-risk gunrunners. After Jabba saved his life on Glakka, Ephant became the Hutt's head of security, rooting out several conspiracies and assassination plots. Although he repaid his debt in abundance, Mon's loyalty to Jabba was unswerving, and he kept his position for several decades, until Jabba's death in 4 ABY. Mon regularly turned down extravagant offers from Jabba's rival, Lady Valarian, who wanted to see the old Chevin leave Jabba's employ and join her criminal enterprise.
Ephant Mon was friendly with many of the regulars in Jabba's Palace, such as the Klatooinian Barada; however, he particularly despised Ree-Yees and Salacious Crumb. Ephant, who was slightly Force-sensitive, did not perish in the Battle of the Great Pit of Carkoon, instead preferring to stay at Jabba's Palace after he sensed the Force in Luke Skywalker.


See also
Related units, characters and technologies
[Ephant Mon's Transport]
Complete list
Ephant Mon Ephant Mon : Jabba's Head of Security (02-45) Ephant Mon (C.MON1) Ephant Mon (C.MON2) Ephant Mon (C.MON3) Ephant Mon (C.MON4)
SWM Alliance and Empire
Saga Collection
The Official Star Wars Fact File
The Official Star Wars Fact File
The Official Star Wars Fact File
The Official Star Wars Fact File
Ephant Mon
Ephant Mon : Jabba's Head of Security (02-45)
Ephant Mon (C.MON1)
Ephant Mon (C.MON2)
Ephant Mon (C.MON3)
Ephant Mon (C.MON4)
84812 / 84861
Tags (2)

Chevin | Jabba's Organization (Tatooine)

Tags (2)

Chevin | Jabba's Organization (Tatooine)

Tags (7)

Chevin | Jawa | Gamorrean | Fett, Boba | Jabba's Organization (Tatooine) | Cerea | Tatooine

Tags (5)

Chevin | Sylvn | Cerean | Twin | [Ephant Mon's Transport]

Tags (5)

Chevin | [Ephant Mon's Transport] | Cerea | Maj-Odo-Nomor | Cerean

Mission to Cerea
Mission to Cerea
Saving Sylvn
Events (2)

Mission to Cerea | Saving Sylvn

1002 : Unit : Ephant Mon 1004 : Enhance : Head of Security
SWTCG : Cards
SWTCG : Cards
1002 : Unit : Ephant Mon
1004 : Enhance : Head of Security
Tags (3)

Chevin | Amanin | Jabba's Organization (Tatooine)

Tags (4)

Chevin | Gran | Jawa | Jabba's Organization (Tatooine)

Last updated: 16.10.2021 15:36:03